Virtually all ocean turtle species are named jeopardized, with three of the seven species presently basically imperiled

 A huge number of ocean turtles are lost every year to over-reaping and illegal trade

This year's theme for World Turtle Day is "Shellebrate". The theme asks "everyone to Love and Save Turtles".

turtles assume a significant part in the biological plan of Earth. These reptiles are known to make due and flourish across a scope of different natural surroundings all over the planet.

To recognize the significance of these animals on Earth, World Turtle Day is commended on May 23.

The current year's subject for World Turtle Day is "Shellebrate". The subject inquires "everybody to Love and Save Turtles".

World Turtle Day History There could never have been any World Turtle Day assuming the American Tortoise Rescue (ATR) didn't begin it. This charitable association was laid out in 1990 and it began checking World Turtle Day in 2001

This is the 22nd International World Turtle Day that they are celebrating. The association, established by Susan Tellem and her significant 

Marshall Thompson, has safeguarded and yet again shielded in excess of 4,000 turtles

International World Turtle Day is an opportunity to praise the significance of these animals in our current circumstance. The point is to bring issues to light about this quickly vanishing gathering of animals.